Showing 51 - 75 of 197 Results
Metallurgist for Newmont Mining Corporation and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1934-1982: Or... by Eleanor Swent, Plato Maloze... ISBN: 9781289635244 List Price: $27.75
Mining Engineer, Consultant, and Entrepreneur in Nevada and Utah, 1934-1992: Oral History Tr... by Eleanor Swent, Samuel Shaw ... ISBN: 9781289635435 List Price: $27.75
Managing Copper Mines in Chile: Braden, Codelco, Minerc, Pudahuel; Developing Controlled Bac... by Eleanor Swent, Robert M. 19... ISBN: 9781289626174 List Price: $24.75
Metallurgist for Empire Star Mine and Newmont Exploration, 1932-1955: Plant Manager for Cala... by Eleanor Swent, James T. 191... ISBN: 9781289635190 List Price: $23.75
Chemical and Metallurgical Process Engineer: Making Deuterium, Extracting Salines and Base a... by Eleanor Swent, James Henry ... ISBN: 9781287809135 List Price: $21.75
Mineral Education Generalist, Professor of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, 1951-1998 : Or... by Swent, Eleanor, Aplan, Fran... ISBN: 9781294345923 List Price: $27.75
Minerals and critical materials management: military and government administrator and mining... by James Boyd, Eleanor Swent, ... ISBN: 9781295237296 List Price: $30.75
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: oral history transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9781293749500 List Price: $23.75
Mining and Construction Engineer, Industrial Management Consultant, 1936 to the 1990s: Oral ... by Eleanor Swent, J. Ward 1911... ISBN: 9781289828189 List Price: $24.75
Geologist: Engineering and Mining Journal, Marshall Plan, Cyprus Mines Corporation, and Stan... by Eleanor Swent, Evan Just, N... ISBN: 9781289819378 List Price: $24.75
Reporting on California's gold mines for the State Division of Mines and Geology, 1951-1979:... by Eleanor Swent, William B. 1... ISBN: 9781294238171 List Price: $21.75
Building the Clarkson Company, Making Reagent Feeders and Valves for the Mineral Industry, 1... by Eleanor Swent, John Robert ... ISBN: 9781296757557 List Price: $29.95
Using Applied Geology to Discover Large Copper and Gold Mines in Arizona, Chile, and Peru / ... by J David Lowell, Eleanor H. ... ISBN: 9781298515384 List Price: $28.95
The Oriental Mine, 1938-1991: Oral History Transcript / 199 by Eleanor Swent, Donald Dickey ISBN: 9781298807922 List Price: $24.95
Mining Lawyer and Executive: Oral History Transcript : U. S. Potash Company, U. S. Borax, 19... by Amelia R Fry, Eleanor Swent... ISBN: 9781296614386 List Price: $26.95
Managing Copper Mines in Chile: Braden, Codelco, Minerc, Pudahuel ; Developing Controlled Ba... by Eleanor Swent, Robert M. 19... ISBN: 9781298625588 List Price: $24.95
Minerals and Critical Materials Management: Military and Government Administrator and Mining... by Eleanor Swent, James K Rich... ISBN: 9781298898333 List Price: $26.95
Reporting on California's Gold Mines for the State Division of Mines and Geology, 1951-1979:... by Eleanor Swent, William B. 1... ISBN: 9781297898754 List Price: $23.95
Mining and Construction Engineer, Industrial Management Consultant, 1936 to the 1990s: Oral ... by Eleanor Swent, J Ward 1911-... ISBN: 9781298898265 List Price: $24.95
Working on the Twenty-mule Team: Laborer to Vice President, U.S. Borax & Chemical Corporatio... by Eleanor Swent, Carl L. Rand... ISBN: 9781298901804 List Price: $24.95
Mining and Environmental Engineer for Utah-BHP Company, 1972-1997: Oral History Transcript /... by Eleanor Swent, Paul Schipke ISBN: 9781296769956 List Price: $22.95
Mining and Metallurgical Engineer in the Black Hills: Pegmatites and Rare Minerals, 1922 to ... by Arthur Johnson, Eleanor Swe... ISBN: 9781297811302 List Price: $23.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9781298603333 List Price: $23.95
Exploration Geologist, Developer of Mt. Newman Mine, President and CEO of Kennecott, 1949-19... by Swent, Eleanor, Joklik, Gun... ISBN: 9781355061403 List Price: $29.95
Mining Borax, Shaft-Freezing in Potash Mines, U.S. Borax, Inc., 1954 to 1988: Oral History T... by Swent, Eleanor, Kendall, Ro... ISBN: 9781355201533 List Price: $22.95
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